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Apply promo code","UpgradeHeaderMsg":"Do you want to upgrade?","PerPerson":"/ person","ContinueWith":"Continue with","Recommended":"Recommended","UpgradeTo":"Upgrade to","HackerFareDescription":"Hacker Fare help you book cheaper flights and/or find more convenient time options by combining multiple one-way tickets.","HackerFare":"Hacker Fare","NoFlightMessage":"We are unable to find flights for your departure date, but we've found the closest available flights below to get you there as soon as possible!","SameAirport":"View Same Departing/Returning Airports","DepartureAirports":"Departure Airports","ArrivalAirports":"Arrival Airports","LayoverAirports":"Layover Airports","DepartingFrom":"Departing from","GoingTo":"Going to","ReturningTo":"Returning to","TotalDuration":"Total Duration","LayoverDuration":"Layover Duration","ArrivingTo":"Arriving to","ChecoutalternateSearch":"Please check out our available","alternateFlightsbelow":"flights below!","alternatemsgNoFlight":"We are unable to find","alternateMsgFlightavailable":"flights available","alternateEconomy":"Economy","alternateBusiness":"Business","alternateFirst":"First","alternatePremiumEconomy":"Premium Economy","PersonalizeDeals":"Personalize your deals","SetMyPreference":"Set My Preference","AllDeals":"All deals","FlashSales":"Flash sales","CheapestDeals":"Cheapest deals to ","Promotions":"Promotions","GetPersonalizedDeals":"Get Personalized Deals","GoodChoice":"Good choice, we will email you some deals soon.","ChooseTypes":"Choose the types of deals you want us to let you know about","PleaseEnterEmailAddress":"Please enter a valid email address!","ThanksSignUpMsg":"Thanks for signing up for","FareAlertsMessage":"CheapOair Fare Alerts","cheapoairFareAlert":"CheapOair Fare Alerts","AlternateAlertMsg":"We are unable to find flights that match your filter criteria. The flights displayed below are on similar dates and/or for nearby airports. Clear your filters to see exact search results.","Flights":"Flights","SelectDept":"Select Departure First","ViewNonstop":"View Nonstop Only","Xx":"X","RefreshResults":"Refresh Results","SaveMoreText":"Want to Save More?","BookByPhoneText":"Book by phone to get 500 bonus points and free premium package benefits","PremiumPackageBenefitsText":"Premium Package Benefits","PromocodeText":"Up to $25 off on hotel bookings ( Promo Code - PREMIUM25)","NoCancelFeeText":"No cancellation fee within 24 hours","ExchangeFeeText":"15% off exchange fee","EasyPayments":"Easy monthly payments","FreeFlightWatcherServiceText":"Free Flight Watcher service","Installments":"Pay for your flight in installments over 3,6 or 12 months.","TAndCText":"Terms & Conditions Apply. Call for more details.","Learn":"Learn more","EmailAddress":"Enter Email Address","AddBags":"Add bags now Desktop","AvailableUpgrade":"Available with upgrade","CheckedBag":"Checked bag","CarryOnBag":"Carry-on bag","PersonalItem":"Personal item","FilterBy":"Filter by","ShowingFlights":"Showing flights departing between ","Change":"Change","Showing":"Showing flights with ","Filters":"filters applied.","PerTraveler":"Prices shown are per traveler (incl. taxes & fees).","PromocodeText1":"MINOR20","TakeDiscountText":"Take up to $20 off!","UMNCouponText":"Unaccompanied Minors Coupon Offer","AlertFare":"We'll watch your fare and send an alert.","FareAlerts":"Get Fare alerts for free.","Ret":"RETURN","Hyphen":"--","Departure":"Departure","ServiceFee":"Service Fee","OperatedMultipleairlines":"Operated by Multiple Airlines","Taxes":"taxes","Operated":"Operated by","AndAll":"and ","PromoCodeExpiresMessage":"Excess savings will not be applied. Promo Code expires on date indicated and can be withdrawn at anytime without notice. Our standard service fees are $35 per person one-way/roundtrip for economy class tickets.","Fees":"our service fees","BaggageFees":"Baggage Fees","PromoCodeMessage1":"Applies to airline bookings from one (1) traveler up to four (4) travelers. Offer expires","MayApply":"may apply.","BookingBonus":"Airfares include applied Booking Bonus.","PromoCodeMessage2":"Enter Promo Code at time of check out. The advertised Promo Code provides discounts against our service fees on stated routes. A maximum of $5 per person can be saved by using this promo code; a total of up to four (4) passengers is needed to redeem the full value of Promo Code. Promo Code and Instant Savings offers can be combined up to the amount of","FlightsDisplayed":"Some flights displayed may be for alternate dates and/or airports. Certain results may be outside your search criteria.","ServiceFees":"service fees","SearchingFlights":"Searching for cheaper flights","AnalysisText":"Typical price range is calculated based on previously booked fares on CheapOair (and related sites) within the last year, for trips of similar days to departure, with the same route, class and trip type.","MinorBooking":"Unaccompanied Minor Booking","SuperSaverFare":"This is a Super Saver Fare, which hides some trip details until after you book. We guarantee these flights are with our top US and European airline partners. You can call us to cancel (for a fee) within 4 hours after you book.","RestrictionsForBooking":"Due to some airline restrictions, we cannot complete this booking online. Please call us to complete this booking","BookNowText":"Book now, while these prices last!","PricesLowerthanText":"Prices are currently lower than the usual range","PricesWithinRangeText":"Prices are currently within the usual range","PricesHigherthanText":"Prices are currently higher than the usual range","FindFlights":"We could not find flights as per your original search criteria on the","to":"to","Air":"airlines","WeSearch":"we search.","ForFlightstoText":"for flights to","UpdateSearch":"Please update your search criteria and re-start the search.","AroundTheseDatesText":"around these dates","StartNewSearch":"Start a New Search","ContinueOnlineText":"Continue Online","Off":"off!","GetExclusiveFlightsText":"Get Exclusive premium package flights","SpeakToExpertText":"Speak to an expert Now","ViewCheapDates":"View Cheaper Dates","or":"or","CheckOutFlightsMessage1":"Check out cheaper flights to","StartingatText":"starting at","OtherDatesText":"on other dates","one":"1","RequestRecieveCall":"Thank you for requesting a callAffirm + CheapOair Travel Promotion Terms