Useful Insights about Copa Airlines

Cheapest fare of the day:C$565.99
Hub Airports: Tocumen International Airport
Head Quarter: Panama City, Panama
Popular Destinations:Guayaquil, Los Angeles, Panama City

Book Copa Airlines Flights

Founded on June 21, 1944, Copa Airlines is the flag carrier of Panama, headquartered in Panama City. The airline has its hub at Tocumen International Airport. Copa is a subsidiary of Copa Holdings, S.A. as well as a member of the Star Alliance. The airline is also the main operator and owner of Colombian Airline AeroRepublica, currently known as Copa Airlines Colombia.
In-Flight Amenities

Keeping the comfort of travelers in mind, Copa Airlines offer a full onboard service. It includes food, beverage, and in-flight entertainment options.

  • Get set to enjoy (on long haul flights) a variety of movies and a wide selection of music channels for your entertainment. There’re Spanish, English, and Portuguese channels available as part of programming.
  • Some of the aircraft are equipped with new entertainment system, Copa Showpass, which allows you to stay entertained onboard using your personal devices. Ensure to download Copa Airlines app before your flight to enjoy this experience.
  • Food and beverages are offered on all Copa Airline flights. Special meals are also offered on international flights to meet the nutritional, dietary, religious, ethnic or other needs of passengers. Travelers are required to make special meal request 24 hours before the flight.

Web Check-in

For those who have booked Copa Airlines tickets can use the facility of web check-in to skip long queues at the airport. Book from the comfort of your home to save time. Web check-in is available between 24 hours and 1 hour prior to the departure of your flight.